Our School
Located in southwestern Phoenix, Western Valley Middle School is a safe place where we surround our students with teachers and mentors who believe in their potential. We want to help every student recognize their unique gifts and talents and develop a lifelong love for learning.
Our Mission
To provide a safe learning environment where all stakeholders work together to promote the healthy social, emotional, and academic development of all students.
Our Vision
Collaborate. Lead. Succeed.
Attendance & Tardiness
If your son or daughter will be absent or late to school, please notify us by calling the school attendance line at 623-707-2106 no later than 10:00 a.m. on the day of the occurrence.
Good attendance and being on time daily is very important for academic success. We understand that at times emergencies or situations may arise that cause your child to be absent or tardy. Excessive absences (10 or more days) or tardies could jeopardize your child’s grade-level advancement.
Student Uniforms
We adhere to a strict dress code policy as outlined by FESD. Students should wear a plain (no designs or logos), collared shirt in white, navy, or light blue with navy bottoms and closed-toe shoes. We allow denim bottoms only on dress-down days.
Kids at Hope
At Western Valley Middle School, we have adopted the Kids at Hope belief system:
- We believe that all children are capable of success, no exceptions! Not some children, not most children, but all children. We focus on what children can do and what they are capable of.
- We connect with all children in a meaningful, sustainable way. Children succeed when they have meaningful and sustainable relationships with caring adults. We refer to these relationships as the Four ACES: Ace of Hearts—anchor parent; Ace of Clubs—another caring adult; Ace of Spades—high expectations; Ace of Diamonds—opportunities to succeed.You are the Ace of Hearts for your child. You are the only one who can give your child this important Ace. The staff at Western Valley strives to intentionally connect with students and hand out the other three Aces on a daily basis. Your child can also receive these Aces from others in your family, in your neighborhood, and in the community.
- We time travel. We are committed to teaching our students how to visualize and verbalize their future in the Four Destinations listed below. We assist and encourage students in creating multiple pathways to reach those dreams and goals.
- Home and Family
- Community and Service
- Hobbies and Recreation
- Education and Career
The PBIS system (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support) program helps us to explicitly teach students behavioral expectations for conduct at school. We offer positive reinforcement and recognition to students who meet our expectations. Visit the PBIS website for more information.